joka HR | wachsen in Partnerschaft

Projects and Interim Management

Joka HR | Reqruiting


We provide competent management process control in your HR department with a focus on outcomes. In the event of staffing shortages and a lack of capacity, we can support your strategic and operational HR work.

  • Our services

  • Your benefits

    Ensuring consistent, high-quality HR management in the event of short-term bottlenecks and on projects.


    Experienced experts are inducted in the shortest possible time and quickly become productive for you.


    Fast and high-quality success in realizing projects.


Johanna Taraszewski

Johanna Taraszewski
Managing Director

+49 (0) 2203.947 33 22

Katrin Riech-Neumann

Katrin Riech-Neumann

Managing Director

+49 (0) 2203.947 33 24

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